Ansaugstutzen 21mm offen ungedrosselt 50ccm 2Takt Aprilia Gilera Piaggio Vespa



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Offener Ansaugstutzen zum Entdrosseln des Ansaugweges der für die meisten 50ccm Roller Modelle wie Piaggio, Vespa und Gilera geeignet ist. Der hier angebotene Ansaugstutzen hat einen Innendurchmesser von 17,5mm und ist für kleinere Tuningmaßnahmen geeignet. Kann auch als Ersatz oder Austausch Ersatzteil für das Originalteil genutzt werden.

offen bzw. ungedrosselt
Innendurchmesser 17,5mm
für kleinere Tuningmaßnahmen

Aprilia-SR 50 LC 03-12 (Piaggio Motor Vergaser) [ZD4TEA]
Aprilia-SR 50 LC 04-09 (Piaggio Motor Vergaser) [ZD4VFB/ VFD/ VFU/ VFE/ VFG]
Aprilia-SR 50 LC 10-13 (Piaggio Motor Vergaser) [ZD4VFB/ VFD/VFU00/ VFJ/ VZ000]
Aprilia-SR 50 LC 14- (Piaggio Motor Vergaser) (USA) [ZD4VFB/ VFD/VFU00/ VFJ/ VZ000]
Aprilia-SR 50 LC 14-17 (Piaggio Motor Vergaser) [ZD4VFB/ VFD/ VFU00/ VFJ/ VZ000]
Aprilia-SR 50 LC 18- E4 (Vergaser) (Asien) [ZD4KLA00]
Aprilia-SR 50 LC 18- E4 (Vergaser) (Europa) [ZD4KLA00]
Aprilia SR 50 LC 18 - A4  ( Asien )
Aprilia-SR Motard 50 2T 18- E4 (Vergaser) [METCA4100]
Aprilia-Scarabeo 50 2T 05-06 (Piaggio Motor) [ZD4THE]
Aprilia-Scarabeo 50 2T 06-09 (Piaggio Motor) [ZD4THG]
Aprilia-Scarabeo 50 2T 10-12 (Piaggio Motor) [ZD4THG00]
Aprilia-Scarabeo 50 2T 14- (Piaggio Motor) [ZD4THH00]
Aprilia-Scarabeo 50 2T Classic 18- E4 [ZD4KPA00]
Aprilia-Scarabeo 50 2T NET 09 [ZD4THG]
Aprilia-Scarabeo 50 2T NET 10- [ZD4THG]
Aprilia-Scarabeo 50 2T Street 18- E4 [ZD4KMA00]
Aprilia-Sport City One 50 2T 08-11 E3 [ZD4SBA00/ ZD4TCA00]
Derbi-Atlantis 50 AC 2002->[Piaggio Motor]
Derbi-Atlantis 50 LC 2002->[Piaggio Motor]
Derbi-Boulevard 50 2T 09-14 E2 [VTHBR1A1A]
Derbi-Bullet 50 AC [Piaggio Motor]
Derbi GP 50
Derbi-GP1 50 Race 2T 05-07 VTHPR1A1A
Derbi-GP1 Revolution 50
Derbi-Sonar 50 2T AC 09- (Piaggio Motor) [VTHLR1A1A]
Derbi-Variant 50 2T AC Sport 12- (Piaggio Motor) [ZDPSBA00]
Gilera-DNA 50 2T LC 05- [ZAPC270003]
Gilera-DNA 50 2T LC [ZAPC27000]
Gilera-DNA 50 GP 2T LC Experience [ZAPC27000]
Gilera-Easy Moving 50 2T AC [SSP2T0001001]
Gilera-Ice 50 2T AC [ZAPC30000]
Gilera-Runner 50 -01 DD ZAPC1400
Gilera-Runner 50 -98 DT ZAPC1400
Gilera-Runner 50 FL Vergaser 01-04 ZAPC36
Gilera-Runner 50 SP Vergaser 05- ZAPC461
Gilera-Stalker 50 DD -98 ZAPC130
Gilera-Stalker 50 DD 99-03 ZAPC130
Gilera-Stalker 50 DT -98 ZAPC130
Gilera-Stalker 50 DT 04- ZAPC40100
Gilera-Stalker 50 DT 99-03 ZAPC130
Gilera-Stalker 50 DT Naked ZAPC40102
Gilera-Storm 50 -99 TEC1
Gilera-Storm 50 07- ZAPC290
Italjet-Jet Set 50 2-Takt [Piaggio]
Italjet-Torpedo 50 2-Takt [Piaggio]
Piaggio-Diesis 50 2T AC (DT Scheibe / Trommel) 01- [ZAPC341]
Piaggio-Diesis 50 2T AC [ZAPC34300]
Piaggio-Fly 50 2T -05 [ZAPC441000]
Piaggio-Fly 50 2T 05- 25Km/h [ZAPC44400]
Piaggio-Fly 50 2T 06-07 [ZAPC44100]
Piaggio-Fly 50 2T 10-11 [LBMC44700/ 44701]
Piaggio-Free 50 2T FL (DT Scheibe / Trommel) [FCS2T0001]
Piaggio-Free 50 2T FL (TT Trommel / Trommel) [FCS2T0001]
Piaggio-Free 50 2T Post (DT Scheibe / Trommel) [FCS2T0001]
Piaggio-Liberty 50 2T 06 [ZAPC42100]
Piaggio-Liberty 50 2T 07- [ZAPC42100]
Piaggio-Liberty 50 2T 08- [ZAPC42500]
Piaggio-Liberty 50 2T 09-13 MOC [ZAPC49100/ 49101]
Piaggio-Liberty 50 2T 97- [ZAPC15000]
Piaggio-Liberty 50 2T Post [ZAPC37401000]
Piaggio-Liberty 50 2T RST Post (Schweiz) [ZAPC42102]
Piaggio-Liberty 50 2T RST Post [ZAPC42101]
Piaggio-Liberty 50 2T RST [ZAPC42100]
Piaggio-Liberty 50 2T Sport 06 [ZAPC42106]
Piaggio-Liberty 50 2T Sport 07- [ZAPC42106]
Piaggio-Liberty 50 2T Sport 07-08 [ZAPC42501]
Piaggio-NRG 50 Extreme AC (DT Scheibe / Trommel) [ZAPC21000]
Piaggio-NRG 50 Extreme LC (DD Scheibe / Scheibe) [ZAPC21000]
Piaggio-NRG 50 LC (DT Scheibe / Trommel) [SAL1T]
Piaggio-NRG 50 MC2 LC (DD Scheibe / Scheibe) [ZAPC04000]
Piaggio-NRG 50 MC2 LC (DT Scheibe / Trommel) [ZAPC04000]
Piaggio-NRG 50 MC3 AC (DT Scheibe / Trommel) [ZAPC21000]
Piaggio-NRG 50 MC3 LC (DD Scheibe / Scheibe) [ZAPC32000]
Piaggio-NRG 50 Power AC (DT Scheibe / Trommel) -04 [ZAPC45300]
Piaggio-NRG 50 Power AC (DT Scheibe / Trommel) 05 [ZAPC45300]
Piaggio-NRG 50 Power AC (DT Scheibe / Trommel) 06- [ZAPC45300]
Piaggio-NRG 50 Power AC (DT Scheibe / Trommel) 07-12 Serie Speciale [ZAPC45300/ 45301]
Piaggio-NRG 50 Power AC (DT Scheibe / Trommel) 07-15 [ZAPC45300]
Piaggio-NRG 50 Power LC (DD Scheibe / Scheibe) -05 [ZAPC36200]
Piaggio-NRG 50 Power LC (DD Scheibe / Scheibe) 05-06 [ZAPC45100]
Piaggio-NRG 50 Power LC (DD Scheibe / Scheibe) 07-12 Serie Speciale [ZAPC45100]
Piaggio-NRG 50 Power LC (DD Scheibe / Scheibe) 07-17 [ZAPC45100]
Piaggio-NRG 50 Power LC (DD Scheibe / Scheibe) 18- E4 [ZAPCA7100]
Piaggio-NTT 50 LC (DT Scheibe / Trommel) [SAL1T3000]
Piaggio-Quartz 50 LC (DT Scheibe / Trommel) 92-96 [NSP1T]
Piaggio-Sfera 50 (TT Trommel / Trommel) 91-94 [NSL1T]
Piaggio-Sfera 50 RST [ZAPC01000]
Piaggio-Storm 50 DT AC 94-96 TEC1T
Piaggio-TPH 50 2T (Typhoon) [TEC1T000]
Piaggio-TPH 50 2T (Typhoon) [TEC2T000]
Piaggio-TPH 50 2T (Typhoon) [ZAPC29C1]
Piaggio-TPH 50 2T 04-05 (Typhoon) [ZAPC29000]
Piaggio-TPH 50 2T 06-07 (Typhoon) [ZAPC29000]
Piaggio-TPH 50 2T 07-08 (Typhoon) [ZAPC29000]
Piaggio-TPH 50 2T 07-08 Serie Speciale (Typhoon) [ZAPC29000]
Piaggio-TPH 50 2T 09-11 (Typhoon) [LBMC48100/ ZAPC29000]
Piaggio-TPH 50 2T 10-17 E2 (Typhoon) [LBMC50100/ LBMC50101]
Piaggio-TPH 50 2T 11-17 E3 (Typhoon) [LBMC5010001]
Piaggio-TPH 50 2T 18- E4 (Typhoon) [METCA4101]
Piaggio-TPH 50 2T X (Typhoon X) [TEC2T000]
Piaggio-TPH 50 2T XR (Typhoon XR) [ZAPC19000
Piaggio-Zip 50 2T (2. Reihe) 95- (DT Scheibe / Trommel) [SSP2T]
Piaggio-Zip 50 2T (2. Reihe) 95- (TT Trommel / Trommel) [SSP2T]
Piaggio-Zip 50 2T 00-08 [ZAPC2500010/ ZAPC25B]
Piaggio-Zip 50 2T 09-15 [LBMC25E0/ LBMC25E1]
Piaggio-Zip 50 2T Fast Rider RST 96- (DT Scheibe / Trommel) [ZAPC07000]
Piaggio-Zip 50 2T RST 96- (DT Scheibe / Trommel) [ZAPC06000]
Piaggio-Zip 50 2T RST 96- (TT Trommel / Trommel) [ZAPC06000]
Piaggio-Zip 50 2T SP 1 LC 96-99 (DT Scheibe / Trommel) [ZAPC11000]
Piaggio-Zip 50 2T SP 2 LC 00-05 (DT Scheibe / Trommel) [ZAPC25600]
Piaggio-Zip 50 2T SP 2 LC 06-13 (DT Scheibe / Trommel) [ZAPC25000]
Vespa Modern-ET2 50 [ZAPC160 / ZAPC381]
Vespa Modern-LX 50 2T -04 [ZAPC38101]
Vespa Modern-LX 50 2T E2 05 [ZAPC38101]
Vespa Modern-LX 50 2T E2 06-09 [ZAPC38101]
Vespa Modern-LX 50 2T E2 09-13 [ZAPC38101]
Vespa Modern-LX 50 Touring 2T 25Km/h E2 05- [ZAPC38400]
Vespa Modern-LX 50 Touring 2T 30Km/h E2 10-13 [ZAPC38101/ 38104]
Vespa Modern-LXV 50 2T E2 06-09 [ZAPC38102]
Vespa Modern-LXV 50 2T Navy E2 07-08 [ZAPC38102]
Vespa Modern-Primavera 50 2T 13-17 E2-E3 [ZAPC53200]
Vespa Modern-S 50 2T 07- 25Km/h E2 [ZAPC38402]
Vespa Modern-S 50 2T College 07-12 E2 [ZAPC38103]
Vespa Modern-S 50 2T E2 [ZAPC38103]
Vespa Modern-Sprint 50 2T 14-17 E2 [ZAPC53201]
Derbi Atlantis 50 2T AC -02 (Piaggio Motor) [VTHAL1A1A]
Derbi Atlantis 50 2T AC 02- 25Km/h (Piaggio Motor) [VTHAL1A1A]
Derbi Atlantis 50 2T AC 03- (Piaggio Motor) [VTHAL1A1A]
Derbi Atlantis 50 2T AC 03- (Piaggio Motor) [VTHAL1AE2]
Derbi Atlantis 50 2T AC 07-09 (Piaggio Motor) [VTHAL1AE2]
Derbi Atlantis 50 2T AC Bullet 03-04 (Piaggio Motor) [VTHAL1AE2]
Derbi Atlantis 50 2T AC Bullet 05-09 (Piaggio Motor)[VTHAL1AE2]
Derbi Atlantis 50 2T AC Bullet 10- (Piaggio Motor) [VTHAL4AE2]
Derbi Atlantis 50 2T AC City 03- (Piaggio Motor) [VTHAL1A1A]
Derbi Atlantis 50 2T AC City 03- 25Km/h (Piaggio Motor) [VTHAL1AE2]
Derbi Atlantis 50 2T AC City 03-06 (Piaggio Motor) [VTHAL1AE2]
Derbi Atlantis 50 2T AC Two Chick 05- (Piaggio Motor) [VTHAL1AE2]
Derbi GP1 50 2T 02- [VTHPREDWB]
Derbi GP1 50 2T 03- E1 [VTHPREDWB]
Derbi GP1 50 2T 03- E2 [VTHPREDXB]
Derbi GP1 50 2T Open 06-09 E2 [VTHPR1B1A]
Derbi GP1 50 2T Race 05-07 E2 [VTHPR1A1A]
Gilera Runner 50 -01 (DD Scheibe / Scheibe) [ZAPC14000]
Gilera Runner 50 -98 (DT Scheibe / Trommel) [ZAPC14000]
Gilera Runner 50 02-03 (Vergaser) [ZAPC36200]
Gilera Runner 50 SP (Vergaser) [ZAPC36200/ 36400]
Gilera Runner 50 SP 05- (Vergaser) (United Kingdom) [ZAPC461000]
Gilera Runner 50 SP 05-06 (Vergaser) [ZAPC46100]
Gilera Runner 50 SP 07- (Vergaser) [ZAPC461000]
Gilera Runner 50 SP 08-09 (Vergaser) [ZAPC461000]
Gilera Runner 50 SP 10-17 (Vergaser) [ZAPC46100/ 46300/ 4610001]
Gilera Runner 50 SP Race 05- (Vergaser) [ZAPC461000]
Gilera Runner 50 SP SC -06 (Vergaser) [ZAPC46100]
Gilera Stalker 50 (DD Scheibe / Scheibe) -98 [ZAPC13000]
Gilera Stalker 50 (DD Scheibe / Scheibe) 99-03 [ZAPC13000]
Gilera Stalker 50 (DT Scheibe / Trommel) -98 [ZAPC13000]
Gilera Stalker 50 (DT Scheibe / Trommel) 99-03 [ZAPC13000]
Gilera Stalker 50 05-06 [ZAPC40100]
Gilera Stalker 50 07-08 [ZAPC40100]
Gilera Stalker 50 08-11 [ZAPC40100/ 40101]
Gilera Stalker 50 Naked 08- (United Kingdom) [ZAPC40102]
Gilera Stalker 50 Naked 08- [ZAPC40102]
Gilera Stalker 50 Special Edition 07-08 [ZAPC40100]
Gilera Storm 50 07- (United Kingdom) [ZAPC29000]
Gilera Storm 50 07- [ZAPC29000]
Gilera Storm 50 [TEC2T]
Piaggio Storm 50 AC (DT Scheibe / Trommel) 94-96 [TEC1T]
Piaggio Zip 50 2T (1. Reihe) (TT Trommel / Trommel) [SSL1T]
Piaggio Zip 50 2T (1. Reihe) 25Km/h (TT Trommel / Trommel) [SSL1T]
Piaggio Zip 50 2T Fast Rider -95 (DT Scheibe / Trommel) [SSL1T]
Puch Storm 50 2T 93-94 (Piaggio Motor) [TEC1T]
Puch Thyphoon 50 2T 93-95 (Piaggio Motor) [TEC1T]
Puch Thyphoon 50 2T 96-99 (Piaggio Motor) [TEC2T]

1x Ansaugstutzen

DETAILS: Ansaugstutzen offen bzw. ungedrosselt
INNENDURCHMESSER: 17,5mm für kleinere Tuningmaßnahmen 
PASSEND FÜR: 50ccm 2-Takt Roller, wie zum Beispiel Aprilia, Derbi, Gilera, Italjet, Piaggio, Vespa, Puch

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